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Nurse Job Tips: Clinical Mistakes Nurses Must Avoid

Four clinical mistakes nurses have to avoid

Mistakes are inevitable: Some can be an inconvenience but others can be catastrophic. When doing nurse jobs in Sydney, clinical mistakes can often lean towards the latter. A nurses role involves being responsible to avoid medication mistakes, documentation errors, and accidents. Here are four clinical mistakes nurses need to be watchful  to avoid.

  • Medication errors
  • Infections
  • Documentation and charting
  • Falling accidents

Medication errors

Nurses must interpret instructions and dispense medicine correctly. A doctor may prescribe incorrect medication, or misspell a drug; They may write a prescription for a higher/lower dosage than indicated, or prescribe a medicine which contradicts with the patient’s other drugs. A pharmacy may dispense incorrect dosage, or fail to put warning labels nurses need to be watchful of these instances. Nurses can administer medication too fast/slow, or too much/little. Nurses lacking pharmacological knowledge may misinterpret medical abbreviations so being alert and always ready to check and double check will help avoid these pitfalls. 


It goes without saying that bacteria and pathogens are ever present in medical settings. Patients with a compromised immune system risk contracting an infection. Healthcare Associated Infections can be troublesome and even fatal. Nurses must take precautions such as proper sanitation and maintain good hygiene habits to avoid such situations when working.

Documentation and charting

Paying attention to details will help prevent documentation mistakes. Nurses rely on a patient’s chart for necessary information. When charting isn’t done correctly, other nurses/physicians won’t have the information needed to treat patients. Use neat handwriting, avoid shorthand or jargon. Small details that can be overlooked can be important. Make notes so you can refer back.

Falling accidents

Accidents can occur in medical settings as patients are at a physical disadvantage, or sedated. Disabled and elderly patients are at the highest risk of falling. When doing nurse Jobs in Sydney, ensure that accidents of falling are prevented. Look for hazards like spills, chipped tiles or frayed carpet, a loose rug, and objects that could cause a trip. Assess a patient’s risk of falling.

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Bower Healthcare
Bower Healthcare