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Nurse Job Tips: Why Nurses Should Be Careful On Social Media

Technological advancements have made access to information that much easier, especially in terms of social media.  Social platforms offer a useful resource to nurses. Especially for those hunting down jobs via a nurse recruitment agency, social media is where you would head to first to see for job opportunities. However, as medical professionals, especially nurses navigate their way through blogs, networking sites and other public forums, following  an online protocol is best followed to avoid affecting one’s career. Inappropriate social media practices could affect a nurses career, however, read on for our tips on how to avoid the common pitfalls of sharing content online.

Don't Get Caught Out! How Nurses Should Be Using Social Media At Work

  • Privacy Issues regarding Nurses Using Social Media
  • Positive ways a nurse can use Social Media
  • Some things nurses should not do on Social Media

Privacy Issues regarding Nurses Using Social Media

While we have all heard about doctor-patient confidentiality, that of nurse-patient is also equally important. The breach of trust in such instances could have damaging consequences and not only impact the trustworthiness of the nursing practice but  also the medical institution behind the professional. Confidentiality is violated the instant information is shared online. Even if patient details are not divulged directly, pictures or videos shared of medical records or even room numbers could be detrimental to one’s career.

Some things nurses should not do on Social media

As a general rule of thumb we’ve highlighted the following points that nurses should refrain from taking to social media to talk about.

Rant About Place of Employment –Speaking in a negative light regarding co-workers, supervisors and their place of employment goes without saying that it could lead to disciplinary action. Despite switching on your privacy settings commentary can and in most instances find their way to screens of unintended viewers.

Blow Off Work-Related Steam – While nursing can come with its pressures, it’s essentially that nurses remain professional at all times. Blowing off steam online about the job etc will only give your employers to find reasons not to keep you on their teams.

Use Offensive Language and/or Voice Offensive Comments - Since nurses work with a diverse group of patients from different backgrounds, making comments on social media that threaten or are derogatory  could lead to workplace discipline.

Positive ways a nurse can use social media

While exerting caution when using social media is important, there are many ways a medical professional can use social media towards the benefit of the healthcare industry. This could include creating an awareness and educating viewers regarding the profession. For instance a blog regarding the work details of nurse jobs in Sydney could prove to be informative to nurses looking to settle in that particular area.
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Bower Healthcare
Bower Healthcare