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Nurse jobs in Sydney - Night Shift Survival Tips

Survival tips for Sydney nurses working night shift

Nurse jobs in Sydney have different night shift durations and workloads, but there are some tips for night shift nurses that are universal. Perhaps learning to cope with a new sleep routine is one of the first obstacles that a night shift nurse has to overcome. This is especially so when trying to create a work-life balance. Read on for some basic survival tips that all night shift nurses should know.
  • Getting adequate sleep
  • Running on caffeine
  • Eat right and exercise
  • Fraternize, do something constructive
  • Keep an eye on your health, mind the circadian clock
  • Get home safely, and tend to those ties

Getting adequate sleep

While night shift nurses need to remain alert during the late hours, being able to sleep adeqately during the day is important. Get the required hours of deep sleep during the day to offset the disruption to natural sleep patterns. Create a conducive sleep environment with thick curtains to block out light, and disconnect anything that will disrupt sleep, such as phones. Eye masks and earplugs can be helpful in this regard.

Running on caffeine

Caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea or cola boost alertness during a night shift, but avoid over-reliance. Though caffeine offsets fatigue too much of it could lead to other health issues. 

Eat right and exercise

What many nurses don’t realise is that what we eat before and during a night shift impacts energy, stamina and performance levels. Choose foods that provide energy but do not cause you to fall asleep. Smaller, frequent meals with raw salads, nuts, fruit and vegetables are recommended. Fatigue and drowsiness peak around 4 am in typical nurse jobs in Sydney. Try exercising; take a walk, climb steps or bust some moves to a song in the break room.

Fraternize, do something constructive

With less going on than during the day, this time is ideal to bond with colleagues. This camaraderie can make the night shift easier to handle. Spend more one-on-one time with any patient awake, or use the available autonomy to get some extra work done to relieve day shift nurses.

Keep an eye on your health, mind the circadian clock

Night workers may be susceptible to colds, high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep disorders, menstrual irregularities and weight gain. Monitor your health and take care of yourself. Nurses have to understand the circadian clock and learn how to counteract it.

Get home safely, and tend to those ties

Once you’re done with your shift make sure to get home safe. Carpool or choose public transportation if possible. Once home, try to stay in the loop with post-it notes or a bulletin board. It’s important to make the effort to stay up to date with the goings on of family. This will in turn make members feel that  they are not being left out and that work has not become a priority. A good work-life balance helps keep the personal pressure at bay during work as well.

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