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Agency Nurse Tips: Weight management tips for nurses

Nurse Agency Tips: Weight Management Tips For Nurses

Healthy weight leads to a healthy heart. When nursing in Australia, it can be hard to keep control of what we eat due to long hours, stress in the job and that can lead to many us putting on a little extra weight. As part of our jobs we're contstantly having to tell our patience to take more care of themselves and what what they eat and it's advice we should also liten to ourselves. The importance of maintaining a healthy weight is not only good for our hearts and body but it will also help improve your endurance and ability to deal with stress and anxiety. In this article, we visit a few key weight management tips for nurses and healthcare professionals, although they can be followed by anyone. 

Exercises at-work 

With crazy hours and shift work, going out to exercise is not always appealing for tired nurses. RN jobs in Sydney often get some walking done, but it helps to squeeze in some exercises. Get your employer on board and make your workplace more health-friendly - a weekly weight-loss meeting, a room to exercise.

Eating healthy

To lose weight and keep it off, we need to make lifestyle changes. Nurses are chaotic eaters; eating on the run, grabbing whatever is handy. This doesn’;t help with reaching and maintaining a healthy weight. Have scheduled, healthy meals.

Be realistic and lose the self-consciousness

Many overweight people feel self-conscious about joining a gym. Remember this goal is for you: Look out for yourself and forget what others think. Set realistic weight-loss goals; calculate the safe amount of weight you need to lose before starting at the gym. Look at safe ways to do this. Focus on slowly getting there, rather than overnight.

Think about joining support groups or group excercise classes 

When you are trying to accomplish something, it’s always better to have support. Join an existing weight-loss group or form your own. The goal is to surround yourself with like-minded individuals. It’s even better if these are nurses, or even colleagues. Exchange recipes for healthy, low-fat meals or treats with other nurses.

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Bower Healthcare
Bower Healthcare